Baton Rouge Small Business Website Design Tips

August 7, 2020, 0 Comments

Baton Rouge Small Business Website Design Tips

Thanks to our dependency on advanced technology today, it’s almost impossible to have a successful budding business without having an online presence. Rather than giving your business an edge, it has actually now become a need. A website is perhaps one of the most effective methods of expanding your business, both economically and physically. A lot of clients prefer shopping from the comfort of their homes. Hence it only makes sense to make the best use of this.

Now, creating a new website is not too difficult, thanks to the website design software available today. You need not take the trouble of hiring a coder to have a functional and attractive website. Having said that, even though the whole process seems super simple, there’s more to what meets the eye. There are a few things to consider and finalize before you design your business website. This will help you in making a site that’s user friendly, appealing, and professional.

So here are some detailed tips that can be beneficial for your new Baton Rouge Small Business Website:

1. Determine the objective of the website

Ask yourself, what purpose will this website solve. An online space can be used for multiple purposes, starting from giving a generic view of your business to acting as an e-platform for online shopping. A lot more creative too can be done with these websites. You can always throw in a couple of offers and coupons which are exclusively available on your website. This way you can drive a lot of rush towards your online space.

Hence, if your motives and objectives are predetermined, it will be easier for you to get them delivered.

2. Get a Web Host

Not a lot of Baton Rouge small businesses will be aware of this but every website needs a web host to store all its data for access by the public. Since, for a small business, it can be challenging and expensive to host their own website, there are a lot of hosts available externally. There are two ways to go about it, either you can choose the shared web host wherein you will be sharing a public space with other website owners or the more expensive one where you will be offered your own private server that will only be accessible to you and your customers.

The important factors to consider here will be the credibility and reliability of the provider.

3. Choose a Domain Name

This perhaps is one of the most important features of your website. While advertising your website on various social media platforms, you will be providing the existing or potential customers with the address to your website. This address is referred to as the URL or the domain name. You would want to have a catchy yet easy to remember domain name. It basically makes it easier for the viewer to remember the same and follow up. So, keep them short and crisp, but do avoid the infamous acronyms.

4. Have a Secure Payment Gateway

One of the most common reasons for the viewers not preferring a particular site will be the unsecured payment gateways. Nobody wants to have their money stuck in with the company without a surety of its credit. So, it is advisable to either have a tie-up with a good payment gateway company or not have an online payment mode at all. It will be any day better for customers who are easily irritated by payment failures.

5. Do not Launch Before Testing

A lot goes into making a website operational. There can be uncountable numbers of bugs that can cause various kinds of malfunctions. If not this, then at times, your website is not well equipped to handle traffic of multiple users, which might lead to a website crack. All of these situations put out a bad image. Hence, it is advisable that you test your website on various browsers way before launching the website. This will surely take time, but will definitely save you from bad publicity.


Raid your Social media accounts. Invest in all forms of paid promotions. Create the hype that your website deserves. Whether its Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, or even LinkedIn, explore every platform. Let your potential customers know about your new Baton Rouge small business website or the new range of products that you are just launching. Have count downs to the final day. Along with this, remember to cross-post. Keep posting engaging and informative content on a consistent basis. It allows the customers to believe that you are a great brand since you have been maintaining your online presence across platforms. It also enables your clients to believe that you honestly care for your customers and always take extra efforts to keep them aware of the new products and services.

7. Finally- Maintain Your Baton Rouge Small Business Website

One cannot stress enough on the need to regularly update the website. It is important to be up-to-date. For example, update your site as a when a festive is around, or some trend just goes viral. This will keep the enthusiasm of your clients high and will ensure that they return back to it.

Apart from this, you need to regularly check-up for any bugs or the software updates that your website might require. Often these things go unnoticed since it is mostly visible at the user end. Hence, visit your website yourself and check if there are any sort of shortcomings.

Liked our solutions? We at Eyeconic Digital Marketing solutions are always invested in making sure that we market your brand to the best of our capacities. We have one of the best teams and trained professionals who will make sure that they curate special plans and strategies for your brand.

If you are a business owner in Louisiana or for a matter anywhere else you can rely on us to cater to all your needs. Contact us today for your Baton Rouge small business website design!

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